This memoir is by George McFadden, son of Doctor SHARP and Lizzie (ELIZABETH DOMINY) McFADDEN, whose younger relatives have induced him at his advanced age to write some ideas of our ancestory, as he knew them.


“So, I commence in the eighty-seventh year of my age, with much weakness and unsteady hand, to dedicate this to my mother and father.


“My father, Dr. Sharp McFadden, was born at Catill County of Cavan, Ireland, on the 4th day of May 1775. His parents were Samuel and Jennie Sharp McFadden. They were farmers and workers in the Presbyterian Church.


“Their family consisted of four sons and three daughters of which father was the fifth. I’ve often heard father say his father stayed in Ireland two years with much reluctance after his esteemed pastor had left for America. So grandfather and family broke Ireland in the year 1795, landed at New York, and there by accident, met his old pastor, George Mairs, who settled in Argyle, Washington County, New York.


“Samuel McFadden and family went with their pastor to Argyle, purchased a farm in the vicinity of the village, resuming the same pursuit he followed in his native land. Soon after the settlement, SHARP entered the office of Doctor Andrew Trondfit, in the village of Argyle, com­mencing the study of medicine. After completing his studies he moved to Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York, with his brother George, who had married in Argyle and settled a few miles west of Plattsburgh, where father practiced a few years. In the year 1803 he married LIZZIE (ELIZABETH) DOMINY. Father’s mind was to settle further west, but before doing so he wished to visit his parents, brothers and sisters.


“How were they to go? In those days there were no steamboats or railroads. They did not both ride on one horse as was the custom in those days, but by some means got a horse apiece. Now the road they went I’m not sure, but think they would have crossed the lake at Burlington, going on the Vermont side to Skenesbough (now White Hall) to Washington County, New York to the village of Argyle.


“I have often heard my parents relate what took pLace while making the journey, which probably was between one and two hundred miles, which would be a wedding tour now days, also what took place at Argyle, while making their visit. They were delighted in hearing the elder Mairs preach one day, as the old Dominy had begun his days work when a young man en­tered the church and proceeded up the broad isle bowing to the ladies on his right and left. After he had taken his seat, the aged man, looking the other way, said, ‘young man, if you have no Grace in your heart, common decency is required in the house of God. If I see any more such conduct will name you out, name and surname, for I know you well.’


“No doubt the older Mairs was an old style preacher. He prayed as he went, preached the New Testament gospel, such as Jesus Christ, John the Baptist and the great Apostles to the Gentiles preached — such a gospel is not relished in this age.


“I never made but one visit to Argyle, cannot give a correct history of the families that remained there of grandfathers. They lived and died in Washington County. There was James, Thomas and Betsy, the other daughter I cannot name, but one was living when I visited in 1857.  Uncle Thomas lived on the old McFadden farm with his second wife. His oldest son John hap­pened to be in Argyle when I was there — he had gone to New York City, married, had a family I never met. Maria and Margaret were visiting in Clinton County when I was there in 1840.


“Samuel moved to Lisbon in the fifties, bought a farm and ran it a few years until his father wrote for him to come to the old place. I think that after his father’s death he went to Iowa and died. Margaret married Matthew Hopkins, whose farm joined the McFadden farm. Mary married a Mr. Nixon, a tailor, went west. Uncle James had moved to Fort Miller, met two of his sons, Samuel and Thomas and a daughter Margaret, who married a Scotchman, Mr. Stewart. They had a large family -- the most of them are dead.


‘The two daughters of Grandfather—I knew but one of their names, Betsy married Mr. Tombs, the other a Mr. Reed. They had a son, A. J. Reed of Brooklyn, he was a soldier in the rebellion. Grandfather’s oldest daughter did not come to America with the family. She married in Ireland and came afterward, and settled at Chazy, Clinton County, New York — was at their home in 1840, visited their three sons Samuel, John and George. Samuel lived in Canada. George had two sons and two daughters. One daughter died, the other married a Mr. Harmon and lived on a farm that was her Uncle John’s, and had no family.


“John, the oldest son, married HELEN DOMINY, cousin to my Mother. They had a son and daughter. Robert’s wife, (her name is long forgotten, but I recollect her as a smart little lady) had a number of children. The country here is thrifty and beautiful. The Delaware and Hudson River Railroad running through it, a grand road. Uncle George McFadden lived in sight. His wife Catherine Jersey was from Argyle. They have four sons, the mother dying after the birth of the youngest, were Henry, Samuel, Thomas and John J. Henry married Phoebe Woods, had two sons and three daughters. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church for many years. Samuel married a Miss Hodges, had three sons and one daughter. The daughter was the handsomest McFadden I ever saw.


“John, the oldest, was a soldier in the rebellion. He said if the nation goes down, I go down with it, but John died of wounds and the nation yet lives. I know not who Celand married— he died young and I don’t know his family. Oral, the youngest son, married NANCY DOMINY, my cousin, lived at Massena. He was a practicing physician there. I think they had a son and a daughter.


“Thomas married Miss Atwood. They had two sons and two daughters. One son fell in the War for the Union. I visited and corresponded with his widow. John J. married a Miss Atwood, had two sons and two daughters, one a soldier in the rebellion. Those four sons of Uncle George, delighted to visit— all dead. Uncle George married again, a Miss Sarah Stockwell, as clever and good a person as I ever knew, had two sons and four daughters, James, George, Jane and Cath­erine. The two younger I cannot name.


“Father came to Lisbon in the year 1806, bought a fifty acre lot with a log house on. He chopped and cleared a piece of land, boarding at Alexander Armstrong’s, (known as Aunt Bell’s. I recollect of father telling of boarding with them). He went back to Clinton County, moved to Lisbon in the winter of 1807. His two oldest sons, James and Henry were born in Clinton County.


“The cutter, in which Father fetched his family to Lisbon, was a novelty. Instead of a shaft, it had a pole, the forward end was ironed with a tenon, about an inch and a quarter thick, crooked down. This slipped into a mortise in the iron neck yoke which was hung by a scrap to the horse’s neck. The tugs were chains or ropes hitched to a whiffletree, attached to the roll. My brother Jerry and I have ridden scores of miles down-hill on this cutter, on the snow crust, and then drawn it back up for the fun of riding down.


“Those were the days of young life’s enjoyment. No drifts to shovel through—the snow  would fall as deep as tops of the large stumps, as it did beside it, all on a level.


 “Father’s family consisted of eight sons and two daughters. Two sons and two daughters  dying in infancy, the remaining living to manhood, all followed farming. Father was born May 4th, 1775, died December 25th, 1852 at the age of 77 years. Mother was born January 20th, 1781, died April 14th, 1864 at the age of 84 years.


"James S., their oldest, was born in Clinton County, September 12th, 1804, married Sarah Scott. Family: Mary E. died as she came into womanhood, son died in infancy. John S. married Rachel McCarter, had two sons and one daughter, James E. married Bea Stocking, lived in South Dakota, had a son and daughter Lillie died in 1807, married James Ray, had three sons, one died. John A. married Anna A. Martin, had one son. John S. married Lisa McCarter the second time.  John served through the rebellion, was wounded and neglected, came near loosing his leg, suf­fered through his life. Melissa D. married James G. McCarter. They had no family and she died in 1907. Lucy A. married William S. Griffin, lived at Bakers Corner, Hamilton County, Indiana. Sarah J. married James McKelvy, who was a soldier for the Union, had three sons, moved west. Phoebe remained single. James died June 30th, 1880 at the age of 76. His wife, Sarah, was one of the best persons I ever met.


“Henry, born in Clinton County, August 3rd, 1806, married Martha Stocking, their family was six daughters and three sons. The oldest daughter married William W. Glass, had no family, and are both dead. Mary G. married Adam McCormick, had two daughters and one son, all living and married — mother died suddenly. Lucretia married John Hershaw, moved west to Rice County, Minnesota — their family was three sons and one daughter.


“Melissa J. married James W. Balie. They are living at Lisbondepot, have two daughters, one in Lisbon, one in Ogdensburg, and one son in Springfield. All are married. Billious married Hester A. Langtree, have two sons and two daughters. George is engaged in a grist mill and store at Henvilton, no family, Elmer lives on the undivided farm his father left, has one son. The youngest daughter, Dellia, married Mr. Baxton, moved to Duluth. She died, leaving a son and daughter, whom the grandmother are bringing up. Nettie married Ollie Miller and lives near Henvilton. Lesta married Horace Boathroyd, soon died, occupies her present home. Artiney married

Levert McCurdy, have one son and one daughter. The daughter died young. Henry died April 14th, 1888 at the age of 82.


“Samuel was born in Lisbon, July 13th, 1808, married to Haletia Flack, have six daughters and three sons. The first were twins, John and Elizabeth. John married Sophia Cole, had one son. John arid wife are dead. Elizabeth married Jeremiah Norway, no family, husband is dead. Trizah married James Hanna, have one son and one daughter. The daughter died as she neared womanhood. The son, Cecil, married Lizzie Service, lived near Renselaer Falls, have three or four children. Mary A. married John Martin, and moved to California. Mary died, leaving an infant son, whom she gave to her sister Elizabeth, who fetched the child to Lisbon and raised to man­hood. William enlisted in the War for the Union, was killed in the battle of the Wilderness, his body not recovered — it was a great shock to the family. Diana left a home in Ogdensburg. Emma, the youngest, married D. W. Britton, a hardware merchant in Ogdensburg. Jerome married Libbie Morrison. They lived on the old McFadden farm, where my parents settled, and where I was born. Samuel died February 11th, 1881 at the age of 73.


“John was born in Lisbon, July 1st, 1811, married Rachel Gray, had three sons and two daughters, one daughter dying in infancy. Ezra D. married Jane Harris, lived in Ogdensburg, had four Sons and two daughters. David married Margaret Rankins, had two sons and two daughters, lived in Ogdensburg. Robert G. married Mary A. Henry, had three daughters and two sons, lived in Ogdensburg. Tirzah married a Mr. Judy, lived on her father’s old farm, no family. John died February 19th, 1884, age 73 years.


“George was born in Lisbon, July 21st, 1816, married Harriet N. Stocking, she enjoyed very good health for a number of years. In 1857 we took a poor neighbor’s daughter to raise — she was five years old. April 14th, 1864, my mother died, which seemed to affect my wife much, rented the place to my nephew James W. Balilie — they lived with us. I soon saw that my wife’s mind was not right, withstood public opinion for several years, urging me to take her to the asylum, while my dear one was begging me to keep her at home. I promised her I would, had left her but a few minutes, when hearing screams, ran to see Melissa, my niece, lift her out of the cistern. The death-like appearance I can never forget. She told me she tried to keep under the water, not to scream when she came up — but failed to do both. She became more reconciled about the asylum, began to make preparation. It was a sad undertaking — there was no alternative, I was the one to act, she quickly acted -- — because we all wanted her to go for her own good. Her brother, Thompson, came to aid us. Mr. Baltic took us to Henvilton the 9th of June, 1865, asked if she wanted her brother to go, and she said she did. He went with us, no one would suspect, so quiet she appeared. We arrived at the asylum about twelve, arranged the business, parted with my wife, told the officers that I would remain in the city to see how my wife was getting along. They would not allow it, told me to go as they would write often to keep me posted. I met an old school mate, he took us to his home, as the train did not leave until the next morning.


“I soon learned there was no writing — as they never answered a question concerning my wife. I made up my mind to return in three months. Before that time, two letters came for me from Utica. Much alarmed, the postmaster sent a boy with them to me. One was dated August 26th saying my wife was in a critical condition, the other, dated August 27th that she was dead, they would wait my arrival. I did not receive letters until August 30th.


“Mr. Bailie took Henry and I to the Burg, intended to telegraph, (but all communications were off) that I was coming. Leaving at three in the morning, we got to the asylum and waited for the coming of Mr. J. T. Gray, Superintendent and Physician. As soon as he opened the parlor door, slung our, why I had not replied to those letters before this rime, told him if he would listen I’d try to explain that I’d left on the first train after receiving them. The doctor told me my wife’s body, was buried, that he would send a party to fetch the body to the depot, noticed an aged gentleman seemed to be much interested in what was going on, he said his name was Dryer. He was the only one to offer any aid or respect to me about the institution. The body came, left that evening, arriving at Henvilton about twelve o’clock at night — very dark, we started to walk seven miles to Billious McFadden's that night. Relatives were notified and burial was made.


“Although it has been thirty eight years since, yet those unhappy scenes has had lodgment in my mind and memory. I have been thus particular that this generation may know how things were done in the past.


“Jeremiah was born at Lisbon August 16th, 1819, married to Jane Gray, had four daughters and one son, the mother died. Mary married John Scott, had one daughter and four sons. Mr. Scott died, Mary remarried to John Boyd. Malinda married Harlan Benton, had two sons and three daughters, (one daughter dying near womanhood) lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Amy married a Mr. Benton, had one son, Jay. Benton died in the west and Amy remarried — a Mr. Barlow, lived at Canton, had no family. Arvilla married a Mr. Smyseer, had one son, William S. who married Mary A. McCarter, had three sons and two daughters.


“Thus ends what I have to say on my part about my father’s family, which has come under my observation, but, will say that my father and mother made religion the theme of their every­day life. They early taught their children to obey their Creator, and keep His Commandments, and to be a strict observer of the Lord’s day; but, I have reason to thank God for that early training.


“My grandfather, HENRY DOMINY was born December 16th, 1746, died, January 23rd, 1817. He was born at East-Hampton, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, was married to LIZZIE (ELIZABETH) DAYTON, on November 4th, 1773. She was born July 14th, 1752, died, December 22nd, 1830. She was born at East-Hampton, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. Their family consisted of four sons and four daughters. All, with one exception, lived to be quite aged persons.


“Grandfather was a prominent man in his day. He kept a store and was a stock holder in a boat which ran to the West Indies. Uncle John, his brother, was master of the boat. Grand­father was a surveyor and taught surveying and navigation.


“The boat they built, called Bettsy, carried horses and cattle to the West Indies, and fetched molasses and sugar back to the stores, as that part of the island where they lived be­came exhausted and worn out.


“He thought of looking for a home elsewhere, so in 1795, he and some of the boys pushed off, to Clinton County, New York, halted at Plattsburgh, went eight miles west of there and bought six hundred acres of wilderness land, except a number of acres at Beaver’s Meadows. He bought this of Judge Treadele, who stated you could not get a stone on it large enough to throw at a bird, such talk done to sell the land; but, I saw as large a stone wall on part of it, as I ever saw any place.


“They made a small opening in the forest, built a small log house, covering it with bark, as lumber was scarce in that day. They went back to East Hampton in the spring of 1796. The family broke from East Hampton, crossed the Island to Sagg Harbor, and there boarded a two­ masted vessel, called a sloop, sailed down the sound to New York City. Mother and other young women got into the long boat on the vessel, to have it said that they came through Helgates in a long boat, what was considered a dangerous place at that time, but when I passed through it in 1876 it was still and quiet as a mill pond. The government had repaired the channel.


“The sloop passed on around New York City, up the Hudson River to Troy. There they took wagons to Skenesborough (now White Hall), then took boat on Lake Champlain to Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York, from thence by wagon to what is now Beekmantown, a few miles west of Plattsburgh Village.


“Then hard labor began, to which they were not accustomed. The boys haggled their feet, not being much used to axes. When winter set in, Jack Frost had no mercy on the green Long Islanders. They found themselves, in a short time, in a disagreeable plight.


“In the fall of 1865, visited a member of this family, Uncle Erza Dominy in LaSalle County, Illinois. Previously he had written to me to tell mother that the old Stub had bothered him until he could stand it no longer. He cut it off while I was visiting them in 1865.


“He gave me a history of the old Stub. It was frozen a few times, part of it had sloughed off. It was the large toe. He thought he would remove it. He had me with him in his shop, told me the process. He kept it from the family, he provided a sticking plaster and a pail of cold water, took off his boot and sock, put his foot on the hacking block, put his chisel on the toe close up to his foot, gave the chisel a good whack with his Mallet and the old Stub flew across the shop.


“He ducked his foot into the pail of water to stop the flow of blood, then put the sticking plaster on. I have thus dodged from this narrative, to show the nerve and will power of the Old Stock.


“I will now go back to the family in the woods. Their attention was turned to clearing off the land in shape for crops.


“Their cows had to run loose in the woods. Two boys would be started in the afternoon, if they did not return at a given hour, one would mount to the house top, blow a large sea shell, which was used as a horn to inform the cow hunters the direction of home.


“I’ve often visited this section of the country, but the older portion of the relatives were dead or had gone west. I think William was grandfather DOMINY’S oldest son. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. The British undertook to take Plattsburgh. They came up Lake Champlain with their fleet, while six thousand red coats of the land forces came up through Beekmantown, marching by grandfathers home; An officer rode around the house all night, calling every few hours for someone to light his cigar. The officer said to grandmother in the morning, ‘who is that man leaving here this morning, going toward Plattsburgh, wearing a three cornered white hat?’ She Replied, ‘that is my son,’ ‘tell him, if he is seen here any more, he is a dead man, he is letting your boys know how far the British had got,’ said the officer.


‘‘I hear the people are leaving the village, they are foolish. I don’t think there will be a gun fired,” the officer said. Grandmother said, ‘you will hear guns before you get there, our boys were picking them off, from bushes and corn fields.’


“Uncle William came back and said, ‘Mother, I have come to bid you goodbye, we are expecting battle soon.’ She said, ‘Bill, face them while you have breath, never let me hear of you being shot in the back.’


“While this was going on, the British fleet met ours at Cumberland Head, a few miles from Plattsburgh. Our boys beat them back, the land forces getting news, scud back in the night, strewing the way with their guns and accouterments. I learned this from my cousins. They are erecting monuments along the road where our boys were killed.


“I have said that WILLIAM was the oldest of the DOMINY Family. He married Chaty Staf­ford. I have met with a few of their family, but their names escape my memory.


“The oldest daughter of grandfather’s family was MARY, who married Joshua Bosworth of Moors. She died early, leaving an infant daughter who was brought up by the Dominy grandparents. They called her Abby.


“HENRY, the next son, married Charity Hubbard. He was Sheriff of Clinton County. He called on us on his way back from Auburn, where he had left prisoners. I recollect a few of his children’s names: Henry, Ezekel, Jeremiah, Alonzo, Mary and Eliza.


“Henry was his oldest son, was an elder of the church for a great part of his life. He showed me many things that was our grandfather’s. I appealed to him for the old family records, and it was some time before he found them. Then he said to me, ‘the last I saw grandfather living, he read a portion from this old Bible, knelt down committing himself and family to his Heavenly Father. He took him before the light of another day. He was found dead in his bed.’


“EZRA, the next son, married Rhoda Smith. They moved west in 1836, in two tented wa­gons. One of their daughters had married and moved west a few years previous, settled in Illinois. They were going to them, called at our place and rested. Their daughter died a short time be­fore they got there, had a large family. Some had gone further west, but had a reunion of the family. To give an idea of the size— there were a hundred represented.


“My mother, LIZZIE (Elizabeth) was a member of this DOMINY family. I have given an account of her — will go on with the next one.


“PHOEBE, married John Gale, lived in Beekmanrown, had a large family. All are dead but two; Lavonia T. Hill, at Chazy Landing, and Derias, at Beekmantown.


“JEREMIAH, the youngest son, married young, went west with his wife’s family (NORTONS) to Ohio. He came back on a visit in 1842 or 1843, called on us on his way back. He said he had married his second wife, was the father of twenty children, two were dead. He said he owned over six hundred acres of land at Darby Creek, Madison County, twenty miles from Columbus, Ohio.


“The youngest of the family was NANCY. She married Samuel Flint, moved west, lived in several states. Some sons went to California, some came back to Illinois where they died. I lost track of family.


“Some time in the year 1886, was thinking about what my mother used to tell me about her native place, where she was born and grew up. Wishing that I could hear from there, wrote Post­master at East Hampton, stating my mother came from there in 1796, and that her name was DOMINY, and her mother was a DAYTON. I put a postal card in letter, addressed to me. It came back without a mark on it, so I learned nothing from it.


“In the winter of 1887 or 1888, alone, (Mary, the girl we had raised, was visiting relatives in a western state), I was trying to busy myself in the art of cooking, reading questions and an­swers in the Toledo Blade. A lady asked to give a recipe for old fashioned ginger bread our grandmother’s had made. A lady gave a recipe, stating that if the roller process of flour was used, it would be better. It was signed Mrs. D. D., East-Hampton, Long Island, New York.


“I wrote a letter to Mrs. D. D., stating what I had read, giving as much data as I had, and a postal card for a reply. It was returned, fully written, saying we think you are a descendent of HENRY DOMINY who went to Plattsburg in 1796, come as quickly as you can and tell us about yourself. The Mrs. D. D. was Dresda Dominy, the wife of NATHANIEL DOMINY, a grandson of my mother’s uncle. As soon as I could arrange my affairs, I started — took Mary, too. I did not think it safe to go alone my first trip to East Hampton, by rail to Albany, day boat down the Hudson to New York City, spend day in the city, boat to Sagg Harbor, then cross the island by stage to East Hampton.


“We made our headquarters at Nathaniel Dominy’s. He lived in a house that was a sight. People came from other cities, all viewed it who stopped in the village. This house was built by Nathaniel in 1665. There was a shop at each end of the house. On the west end was where he made clocks and repaired watches, had a forge and lathes. On the east end he made clock-cases and boats. This house was at the extreme end of Main Street, which was two miles long, shaded by Elms and Willows that looked to be a century old.


“Nathaniel drove us our to Three Mile Harbor, the way led through a Negro settlement. Soon we entered a second growth of forest so thick that the wagon rubbed on both sides. This was once a cultivated country. We soon arrived in sight of water and an open spot. I was riding beside Dresda, she put her foot upon mine and pressed it, not a word was said. I felt that we were near the sacred spot. The team stopped between a sunken place in the green turf and water. This sunken spot on our left was where a house once stood, where my mother first saw the light of day, on our right was Three Mile Harbor that bear out into the island from Gardners Bay. This harbor was three miles long and three wide, and three miles from East Hampton Village. The place where grandfather lived is called DOMINY’S POINT. We landed there afterward from NATHANIEL’S sailboat, had made a trip to Gardners Island. The island is ten miles from this point.


“The farm that grandfather worked was grown up to second growth forest, except for five acres which was an open spot. The land rose back from the harbor about thirty rods from the water. In the edge of the bushes was the old burying place. The bodies were all removed elsewhere. The soil was beautiful — sand with small white pebbles mixed in. The house where mother was born had been taken down, moved to East Hampton, and rebuilt. I was allowed to look through it.


“There were apple and pear trees standing on the bank of the harbor near where the house stood that had probably been planted by grandfather. They were heavy-laden with fruit. This was a delightful spot to me. It brought back to my memory so many things mother had told,. although it lacked only eight years of being a century since mother had left there.


“I have missed one important thing which is connected with this affair. Probably the fault lies at my door — the reason of its’ neglect. When grandfather left East Hampton, his brother, Nathaniel, made him a new clock (BRASS) and presented it to him. It came down to my grand­mother, to my mother and then to me. When I found myself without a home (I had the clock at Mr. Bells), was advised to sell jt. I could not put it up where I was boarding. At an evil hour, con­sented and sold my mother’s clock. It has annoyed me ever since. The lady who bought it, a Mrs. DR. MADILL, praises and speaks so highly of this clock, I esteem it a great favor to get to call and see it. Grandfather’s clock is now one hundred and seven years of age, is in good shape still ticking off the time, as it had in the years passed.


“From what I have said in favor of mother’s old clock, no one will think me insane if I may also speak of her as a noble speciman of humanity. It was the height of her ambition to aid others. A Mr. Lytle, said in my hearing a number of times, when their family was all down with the smallpox, no neighbors came into the home, but that mother walked a mile to their house, took care of them and did all their work, as mother had had the pox when young.


“She would spin the flax, and weave it into cloth, made our garments, and after the wool was shorn from the sheep would often hire a girl to help spin then would put it into cloth for her family of six boys. She always had clean clothes ready to dress us up from our heads to the soles of our feet.


“In the fall of 1860, when mother was eighty years of age, I took her back to Clinton County, place of her nativity. She had not been there but once in fifty years. That was the very best act of my life — of the enjoyment she had of the trip.


"Now in order to show fully the origin of the DOMINY family, I will insert here a list of the early settlers, which I got from cousin NATHANIEL, when visiting there in the fall of 1891.


“It appears that three DOMINY brothers came from England. One settled in New Jersey, one on the west end of Long Island, and one in the town of East Hampton, Long Island, New York.


“This, as far as we can learn, is the starting point of the DOMINY’S in America. Their family burying place was on the north shore of Three Miles Harbor, the location called DOMINY POINT, where my grandfather’s farm was located, (I have mentioned it before).


“The remains of those early DOMINY’S were lifted in the summer of 1891, by NATHANIEL, and put in a new cemetery near the ocean called LILLIE HILL, owned by the Dominy’s. They told me that some had been dead for over a hundred years, according to the history of the family.



NATHANIEL DOMINY — Born: July 14, 1684. Died: May 5, 1768. Age 84. Married November 24,

1706, to ANNIE COREY — Born: February 8, 1678. Died: August 8, 1748, age 70.


MARY — Born; October 20, 1707.

ANNIE — Born: March 14, 1710.

PHOEBE— Born: February 11th, 1712.

NATHANIEL — Born: December 3, 1714.

JOHN — Born: May 6, 1716. Died: May 3, 1751.

LYDIA — Born: April 18, 1719.


NATHANIEL DOMINY — Lived at Three Miles Harbor. Born: December 3, 1714. (Birthday-new style, December 14, 1714). ELIZABETH EYERS — (his wife) Born: April 9, 1717. (Birth­day-new style: April 20, 1717). Died: September 1, 1781. Age 64.


NATHANIEL — Born: July 25, 1737. (Birthday-new style, August 5, 1737). Died October 23, 1813. Age 76.

WILLIAM — Born: July 1, 1739. (Birthday-new style: July 12, 1739). Died: December 10, 1769. Age 30.

ELIZABETH — Born: October 5, 1741. Died: August 20, 1752.

DEBORAH — Born: August 5, 1744. (Birthday-new style: August 16, 1744). Died: May 20, 1806. Age 62.

HENRY — (My grandfather) Born: December 15, 1746. (Birthday-new style: December 26, 1746). Died: January 23, 1817. Age 70.

ELIZA — Born: September 16, 1752. (Birthday-new style). Died: March 17, 1802. Age 50. Married, Mr. Tuttle.

MARY and ANN, (Twins) Born: April 2, 1755. MARY died the 15th of the same month. ANN died on December 18, 1788. Married a Mr. Peak.

JOHN — Born: December 31, 1760. Died: February 21, 1837. Age 76.


HENRY and JOHN moved from East Hampton to Beekmantown, Clinton County, New York,

Henry in 1796, and John the next year. Henry was married to LIZZIE (ELIZABETH)

DAYTON, November 4, 1773.


NATHANIEL DOMINY — (The Clock Maker) — Born: July 25, 1737. Died: October 23, 1813.

Age 76. Married on November 28, 1759 to HANNAH BAKER — Born: August 7, 1740, new

style. Died February 10, 1811. Age 71.


HANNAH — Born: October 9, 1760. Died: July 7, 1815. Married to Israel Conklin.

MARY — Born: August 1, 1763. Died: November 19, 1763.

URANIA — Born: April 18, 1765. Died: February 15, 1837. Age 72. Married to Elnathan Parsons.

LEAH — Born: August 30, 1767. Died: May 13, 1851. Age 84. Married to Edward Jones.

NATHANIEL— Born: January 16, 1770.


NATHANIEL DOMINY — (He made cases for his father’s clocks, also boats). Born: January 16,

1770. Died: May 29, 1852. Age 82. Married in 1795 to TEMPERANCE MILLER.


JOHN — Born: October 23, 1795.

NANCY — Born: November 15, 1797. Married to Lewis Parsons, April 3, 1828.

FELIX — Born: February 12, 1800.


FELIX DOMINY — Born: February 12, 1800. Died: December 20, 1868. Age 68. Married: October

26 to PHOEBE MILLER — Born: April 7, 1807. Died: April 22, 1891. Age 84.


NATHANIEL — Born: July 28, 1827.

JERUSHA — Born: July 12, 1835. Died: October 25, 1857. Married to Samuel Hules.

MARY — Born: January 16, 1840. Died: October 10, 1915. Age. 75. Married to Mr. Tyson.

ARTHUR — Born: July 22, 1841.

NED — Born: September 2, 1846.


NATHANIEL DOMINY — Born: July 28, 1827. First marriage to SYBAL B. MULFORD — Born:

1827. Died: October 12, 1880. Second marriage to HYDREDA VAN DESEN Born: 1850.

Died: April 19, 1894. Third marriage on October 11, 1896 to HELEN L. HATHEARY — birth and death not given.


NATHANIEL Born: June 2, 1847.

BURNETT — Born: April 24, 1849. Died: September 9, 1849.

HENRY — Born: September 13, 1850.

WILLIAM — Born: July 12, 1853. Died: February 2, 1864.

HARRIET MULFORD — Born: October 6, 1855. Married to George A. Kellog.

ESTER B. — Born: August 31, 1858. Died: January 8, 1864.

FELIX Born: November 2, 1860. Married to Mary Gilmartain.

JEREMIAH — Born: January 2, 1863.

JONATHAN MULFORD — Born February 18, 1865.

WASHINGTON TYSON — Burn July 20, 1866. Married Mary Ormaby.

MARY — Born: May 6, 1868.

SYBEL MULFORD — Born: June 12, 1871.

CHARLES MULFORD — Born: March 11, 1873. Married November 21, 1893 to Mary Middleton.

BERTHA — Born: July 21, 1874. Died: September 20, 1874.


“NATHANIEL was a singular man. He had three wives in his seventy-six years of age. He and his son Henry are living together doing their own work. He cleans and tinkers with clocks and watches, makes boats and wind mills, owns a mill a short distance from the house, where he made a good grade of flour as can be had in that part of the State.


I am ninety-one and a half years of age, enjoying tolerable good health, hear and sleep fairly well, but have many diseases with pains.


Now I did not write this for any one of my relatives, but that all should read it — so pass it on dear ones.


Please pass it on to our relatives.”


Dates:     January 21, 1908.                                                                 GEORGE McFADDEN. Writer